Free quotation

Our offer is addressed to business entities only.
To receive a free quote, please send your files to [email protected]We always respond promptly.
The price depends on the deadline, source language, target language, difficulty level, and whether you wish to have your text proofread by an independent reviewer.

Currently we cover the following languages: Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portugese (Portugal, Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified)

Our general price list: (net prices for one word of source text)

Price per word
a) general content:
0.10-0.15 EUR
b) very sophisticated technical content:
0.20-0.25 EUR
ICR (in-country review of technical content done by subject experts):
a) Bulgarian, Czech, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian
0.09 EUR
b) All the other languages
0.12 EUR

We also offer proof-reading of texts originally written in English (for 0.04 EUR per word).
Upon request, we can also offer (DTP service) in InDesign for 15 EUR for a physical page of source document.

For small jobs that would not sum up to the amount of 120 EUR net, we charge a lump minimum price of 120 EUR net.

After purchasing the full package, at least 4 people will be working on your text to assure highest quality of service.
What’s more, we have enough people and spare hardware to guarantee that no sickness, computer failure,
or other unfortunate circumstances will negatively impact order delivery. We always deliver on time.

Why choose us
We are not intimidated by difficult technical texts – we have an extensive experience with them.
After purchasing the full package, you will get the highest quality, immediately usable material
(this is supported by i.a. the testimonials we’ve received from large companies that we work for – you can find them on the Why Us? page).
A large part of our revenue comes from fixing the shortcomings of translations by other companies.
That’s why the list of our direct clients includes some of the largest companies in the world.

How to check the wordcount of your document 
Document wordcounts can be easily checked e.g. in Microsoft Word. 
Of course, we can also check it ourselves and quickly deliver a free quote.
All you have to do is send your files to [email protected]This also applies to languages other than English – we kindly ask you to always send us files for quotation.

Invoicing and payments
Translation is a service performed on an individual client’s request. If you change your mind and decide you don’t need the translation services anymore, we can’t resell or reclaim the resources and time already invested in your order.

Each translation job is always handled by 
several people. A job can take one day, two days, or even several months.
We cannot allow our employees to work unpaid time. That is why all orders must be paid for in advance.
We issue proforma invoices, and then, when we get paid, a full UE VAT invoices with a “100% advance, reverse charge” note.