Gaming market

For many years, video games used to be considered something nerdy and childish. It was common for gamers to be frowned upon and ridiculed for their hobby. This still happens sometimes, admittedly, but things have definitely changed a lot in the last 20 years. Video games have now become mainstream. Playing them is no longer […]
Rynek gier

Gry wideo i gry komputerowe były przez wiele lat uważane za coś dziecinnego i niepoważnego. Gracze często byli lekceważeni, a nawet wyśmiewani z powodu swojego hobby. Tak, wciąż jeszcze ma to miejsce, przyznaję, ale w ciągu ostatnich 20 lat sytuacja uległa diametralnej zmianie. Gry dołączyły oficjalnie do mainstreamu. Granie nie jest już uważane za coś dziwnego, dziecinnego czy śmiesznego. Dziś to […]
First six months as a translator

Six months ago, I became a professional translator. I work with the Polish-English language pair. I’m still a rookie, but over these past few months I have already learned a ton of new things. I’ll describe my first experiences — what really surprised me and what I think is important to focus on as a […]
Total fail of machine translation in case of Polish

Machine translation keeps getting better. You might think that its development poses a threat to professional translators. I believe that translators of the Polish language have nothing to worry about: automatic translation mechanisms still cannot handle the Polish language. Want to see some examples that support my claim? Here you go: Children are so pig-headed […]
Preparing PowerPoint slides for translation

Sometimes, we are commissioned to translate Microsoft Powerpoint presentations. Usually, customers don’t realise that translating texts used in such a presentation may not be enough. Differences between particular languages come to light causing some more or less serious issues. Let me explain that based on an example. Let’s have a look at this slide: This […]
Translation – creative or not?

Is the process of translation creative or not? There is no obvious answer to this question. On the one hand, you could argue that translation is not creative since a translator does not literally create new content from scratch. Their work is always based on the work of others. Some might even claim that translators […]