ICR (in-country review by subject experts)
Our subject matter experts from various fields review your content written in their native languages and make sure it’s free from substantive errors, cultural misunderstandings and other issues that could affect the reputation of your brand. We specialize in providing linguistic services to tech companies.

MTPE (machine translation post-editing)
Perhaps you want to cut down costs by using a machine translation engine of your choice. As you probably already know, it still calls for editing every 2nd sentence by a seasoned translation professional and that’s what you can count on us with. We also use various in-house AI tools to speed up the translation process.

Localization (l10n)
You have a new killer app or a cool game and you want to translate it into various languages with correct adaptation of your content to the local customs, cultural references, and such, while at the same time avoiding sensitive topics and incomprehensible or even inappropriate jokes? We’re here to help you.

DTP (desktop publishing)
Whenever you want your translated content to be available as a PDF file, either for print, or just for the Web, you need a DTP team that will make sure the translated file still looks exactly as the original, which is often not an easy task, given the fact that translations are usually longer that the source.

Education / Teaching / Training / Speeches
We cooperate with universities by creating innovative academic education courses that reflect the needs of the industry. We also provide various trainings, such as those related to the use of CAT tools, AI solutions in the translation industry, and so on.

Proofreading / Editing / Proofedit
Both your source materials and their translations can be proofread by our linguists who will find and correct any and all linguistic errors. Actually most of our income comes from fixing errors in sophisticated technical translations initially prepared by big and famous translation agencies.

100% Human translation / TEP
For companies that want to projects a consistent and top-notch brand image, nothing beats the good old human translation, done from scratch by a been-there, seen-it-all professional. You can order a full package, consistinh of translation+proofreading+editing (TEP).

Internationalization (i18n)
If you’re wondering how to create an app that will allow for its easy localization, you can get us involved early in the process so that we can be your advisors and show you some best practiced from the industry and discuss the pros and cons of available options.

Do you have a unique and specific problem related to translation that you’re not sure how to address? Are you planning international expansion and looking for best practices, available options and case studies? We can take part in your team meetings and share our expertise.

Jobs / Internships
We’re constantly looking for elite translators and proofreaders who take pride in being the best of the best. We’re a very demanding employer, with a candidate pass rate of below 1% but those who pass can count on very good treatment, interesting growth paths and solid compensation.
Let’s get in touch!
Tel. +48 42 288-18-59 from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. GMT/UTC
e-mail: [email protected]